Proposals will be compared against the following anchors:
The configurations detailed below are relevant for the definition of anchors.
JPEG does not specify a rate allocation mechanism allowing to target a specific bitrate. Hence, an external rate control loop is required to achieve the targeted bitrate. The following conditions apply:
The JPEG 2000 anchor generation should support two configurations: 1) PSNR optimized; and 2) Visually optimized. A target rate can be specified using the –rate [bpp] parameter. The following conditions apply:
kdu_compress -i [INPUTFILE] -o [OUTPUTFILE] -rate [BPP] Qstep=0.001 -tolerance 0 -full -precise
kdu_compress -i [INPUTFILE] -o [OUTPUTFILE] -rate [BPP] Qstep=0.001 -tolerance 0 -full -precise -no_weights
kdu_expand -i [INPUTFILE .mj2] -o [OUTPUTFILE .yuv] -precise
For HEVC, an external rate control loop is required to achieve targeted bitrate. The HEVC RD performance for the target bitrates are obtained with the following conditions:
ffmpeg -hide_banner -i input.png -pix_fmt yuv444p10le -vf scale=out_color_matrix=bt709 -color_primaries bt709 -color_trc bt709 -colorspace bt709 -y output.yuv